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A Military Spouse Owned & Operated Company

1. Make a meal 

Gracious Leigh Gifts 

Nothing beats a home cooked meal and that is something that will help in more ways than you know. Between deployments, and usually no family nearby to help hold down the fort at home, food is always a great way to show love and support. It doesn’t have to be anything elaborate, good old spaghetti and meatballs can usually do the trick. After all it’s truly the thought that counts! If you aren’t familiar with what military life looks like, it usually involves frequent cross country moves, spouses deploying, and shift work.

2. Don’t just thank the service member, thank the family too!

The Adventures of a Military Brat

Often times just the service member is the one getting thanked for their service, when in reality when one person serves the entire family serves too. Sure in a different way, but there is a lot that goes into it from both sides. Military spouses, children, and even our pets have to make sacrifices, adapt to change, and face the unknown frequently.

3. Support their small businesses


When you shop small and support military owned businesses, you are doing so much more than just shopping. You are providing flexibility,  stability, and a creative outlet when needed most. Give the gift that keeps on giving and support those who support us on a daily basis.

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