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A Military Spouse Owned & Operated Company

Meet Louise

Branch: Army Spouse 

Product: Team Valentine Project

Louise Valentine is a wellness expert, competitive athlete, and fierce military spouse.  Regardless of where the Army sends “Team Valentine”, Louise’s career is dedicated to empowering others to live a vibrant, healthy life. She has worked with pro athletes, researchers, and senior leaders throughout the U.S.and currently serves as a Director for Vheda Health, an innovative member compliance company.

As she works to reverse her own health diagnoses, Louise refuses to let others waste time or energy trying to figure it all out!  She created the wellness platform with a mission to help others find SIMPLE and REALISTIC ways to make wellness work.  She recently published The Art of Breaking Through: Five Simple Steps to Take on Any Challenge & Tackle Self-Doubt, a best-selling book that shows us how and why we are all perfectly capable of overcoming any obstacle life brings our way! As Louise expands her mission as podcast guest and keynote speaker you can find her with Team Valentine adventuring outdoors and making the most of each new duty station!


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