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A Military Spouse Owned & Operated Company

Meet Sonia of De Moi a Toi Gift Boutique

Affiliation: Military Spouse

Product: Gift Sets

As a proud military wife made a mother by destiny, I soon realized the career I originally aspired for in nursing wasn’t aligning well with our growing family and my husband’s military commitment.

My heart’s desire for a supportive environment for my husband and nurturing care for my children led me to spearhead my journey in the business world.

Being a key cornerstone in our military family, I experienced firsthand the constancy of emotional challenges and the endeavor to maintain relationships throughout the ebbs and flows of distance. It was during these times, I found immense joy reflecting in my children’s eyes when they unwrapped heartwarming care packages from far-off family members. It was more than mere materialism; it was an embodiment of warmth, love, and thoughtfulness from loved ones who couldn’t physically stand by us.

These simple, yet meaningful gestures sparked an idea and hence my business journey initiated, fuelled by the desire to bring convenience to service members and their families across the globe. The path wasn’t smooth. Right when the foundation of my business was beginning to strengthen, my husband had to embark on back-to-back deployments.

Drawing strength from love and resiliency, I’ve turned these challenges into a humble and compassionate business, centered around hand-curating high-quality and worthy gift sets. Through this journey, I wish to help military families remain connected, imbibe acts of love and kindness and most importantly envelop them in warmth and comfort, wherever they are.

View her store here.
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