Affiliation: Military Spouse
Product: Lavender products and art
I am a Space Force spouse, and with the help of my teenage daughter we make handmade lavender goods and artwork.
The mission of Lost River Lavender is to make original, handmade products that are created with home-grown organic ingredients. The goods are designed to celebrate military life and to honor service members their families. My background is in agriculture, art, and photography!
Lost River Lavender provides me the opportunity to combine my passions and educational background. I create and design all the elements of our products and photograph them. When my husband was in ROTC at Utah State, he could not find anyone who would hire him. He was a non-traditional student who entered the Air Force at 32. The only place he could get a job was at a lavender farm up the street from us. He worked as a farm hand during the week, and then we would sell the products at the local market on Saturdays.
This began my love of lavender. I knew someday I wanted to have my own lavender farm. When we received our first base assignment, I was able to begin my dream of farming and have kept it alive at various degrees at base housing, suburbs, and homes where we have had a bit of acreage! My business has allowed be to bring military spouses together during harvest time and to host school field trips where the students get to learn about pollinators and environmental heath. I have loved bringing communities together and sharing my love of lavender along the way.