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4 Reasons Why Life in a Military Family is Extra Special

4 Reasons Why Life in a Military Family is Extra Special!

Life in the military isn’t easy, but for many it can be an experience of a lifetime. It’s rewarding, diverse and can open your future up to a whole world of opportunity. Even after weighing up the pros and cons of joining the military, thousands of servicemen and women enjoy successful careers with a very special kind of work/life balance. 

Joining the military with family is a totally unique experience. Yet it’s one that many know little about, despite it being perfectly commonplace.

So we’ve decided to let you in on some of the reasons why life in a military family is extra special! 


Camp Fire cops, firefighters fighting stress turn to tool used by war vets for PTSD

It happens more often than she’d like. Butte County sheriff’s Supervisor Becky Callas jerks awake in the dead of night, fighting the nagging memories of her community burning to the ground in the worst fire in California history. Or her mind is brimming with endless to-do lists for the area’s recovery.

Hiring a Freelance Professional

Best Practices for Hiring a Freelance Professional

Being a small business owner on a small business budget – specifically a start up budget, is no small task. There are plenty of avenues for increasing growth and automating tasks that you just do not want to do, so you can focus on expanding your reach. We get it!


Mother’s Day Gift Guide

Our community is filled with creativity, strength, and courage! It is through our one-of-a-kind marketplace that you can shop small, shop virtually, and make a big impact. We have handpicked some great Mother’s Day gifts that we know every mom will love.


How to market your business on Pinterest

We usually use Pinterest to fumble through home layouts, but it really is a home-run for business owners of all kinds! 


Limiting your stress as an entrepreneur

Are you running the business, or is the business running you?


The Importance of Product Photography

Want to really stand out from your competition? Make sure you have eye-catching product photos to represent your company. 


The Benefits of Social Media for Business Owners

Are you struggling with making time to manage social media, and wondering if it is even worth your while? Let me help you decide!


Etsy Fees Are Killing Small Businesses

A look into how Etsy fees are making it impossible for small businesses to survive, and how Spouse-ly is working to help military families sell their products without gouging them with fees. 

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