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5 Essential Components of A Solid Marketing Plan

A marketing plan is one of the most basic pieces you need for your business… and yet so many people don’t have one! When you start a business, it’s tempting to buy all the courses, create all the products, and try to make all of those beautiful dreams come true at once.

I know, because I am tempted to do the exact same thing!

But, in addition to creating an overall business plan, it’s really key to ALSO make a marketing plan. This way, you know exactly what to do to move your business forward in a strategic way.

There are 5 “pillars” or components that I always include in the plans I create for my clients. Ready to see what they are? Keep on reading!

Taking the perfect product picture featured image


Do you look through social media and ever wonder how did they get such a great product picture? You might think wow they did such a great job staging the product & taking the perfect shot. We all know it takes some time to master. Here are a few pointers that can help you enhance your marketing & make your product look more attractive to buyers:

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