Carribean Teakwood Soy Candle


Carribean Teakwood Soy Candle

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Carribean Teakwood Soy Candle is made with 100% soy wax and made with natural fragrance. 

Soy candle comes in a 10 oz jar and has an Oval shape wax melt on top that can be removed and put in candle warmer while soy candle is burning.🔥

Can be used on your skin as a moisturizer and is vegan friendly product.

The Caribbean Teakwood Soy Candle is the perfect addition to your home decor collection.

  • Handmade with soy wax
  • Vegan friendly ingredients 🌱

This candle will fill your living space with a warm and inviting aroma.

  • Natural woody scent of teakwood, combined with the sweetness of coconut and tropical fruits
  • Burns clean for up to 40 hours, ensuring a long-lasting fragrance experience.

Add a touch of relaxation to your daily routine or create an ambiance for a special occasion. This candle is perfect for any setting.


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