Condolences Spiritual Bouquet


The Condolences Spiritual Bouquet serves as a heartfelt and meaningful way to express sympathy and offer prayer for those who are grieving. Each handcrafted lily is a reminder of peace during this difficult time. Presented with care in a thoughtfully designed package, this bouquet serves as a comforting and compassionate gift. It can be sent as a gesture of support to those experiencing loss, allowing them to find solace in the healing power of prayer.

May it provide strength and peace during moments of deep sorrow and help those grieving to find solace in the memories that will forever bloom in their hearts.


  • Set includes 5 stems: 3 lilies and 2 sprigs of greenery
  • Ships in gift box with prayer card
  • Handpainted on front side only; colors on screen may vary from actual item
  • Vase not included
Item will be shipped in 1-3 business days


Handmade in Cincinnati, Ohio by an Army spouse.


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