Prayer for a New Mom Spiritual Bouquet


Celebrate the joyous arrival of a new life and offer prayers of love and support with our spiritual bouquet for new mothers. The daffodils symbolize new beginnings and the anticipation of a bright future, while the carnation represents love, admiration, and the nurturing love of a mother. Together with a prayer card, this bouquet forms a beautiful gift that serves as a tangible expression of prayers and blessings for the new mom and her precious child.

Let the handmade wooden flowers serve as a source of inspiration, encouragement, and spiritual connection during this precious journey. May it be a symbol of love and blessings, reminding the new mom that she is cherished and supported as she embarks on this beautiful chapter of her life.


  • Set includes 5 stems: 2 daffodils, 1 carnation, 2 sprigs of greenery
  • Ships in gift box with prayer card
  • Handpainted on front side only; colors on screen may vary from actual item
  • Vase not included
Item will be shipped in 1-3 business days


Handmade in Cincinnati, Ohio by an Army spouse.


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