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A Military Spouse Owned & Operated Company

A Military Wife’s Life

Joined Spouse-ly: 3 years 4 months ago

I love what I do – Creating and curating a piece that has meaning behind it. And it holds so many memories just in a few words or a simple picture.

Being a fellow military spouse, I know the importance of home. I know the importance of family. And I know that prints have a special way of showcasing those.

Whether it’s a reminder of a physical place, your favorite people, or a feeling. These prints can do just that!

And finding gorgeous artwork that can travel with you through countless homes is SO important. I have had my Art up in all of our “homes”.

Our dorm, student housing, our first townhome, and now, our first home.

Moving with the military can be stressful. Take the extra step of decorating your space out of the equation by using these handmade prints!

For more military life help, check out my blog! I have all sorts of info there, from Tricare to moving to support and more!

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On maternity leave - be back in March!

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