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<p data-pm-slice="1 1 []">Hello! I'm Kirsi, owner and head coach at Cochell Fitness LLC. I am a Certified Personal Trainer, Fitness Nutrition Specialist and Corrective Exercise Specialist. I am an Air Force wife, dog + plant mom and lover of all things health + fitness.</p><p class="" data-pm-slice="1 1 []"><strong>The Big WHY That Lead Me Here-</strong></p><p class="" data-pm-slice="1 1 []">After experiencing major knee injuries in back to back years, my athletic career was over. I told myself, “I’m not an athlete anymore,” even though every ounce of my being said otherwise. It wasn’t until I became a Certified Personal Trainer that I began to view myself as an athlete again.</p><p><strong>I’m here to help ‘ex’ athletes reclaim their identity. </strong>I’m here to help you <em>revive your passion</em> for training, to get you back to <em>doing what you love</em> and miss so much, to change your mindset from <strong><em>has-been</em></strong> to <strong><em>still-is</em></strong>.</p><h4 data-pm-slice="1 1 []">Cochell Fitness offers custom online training and nutrition coaching to help you reconnect with your inner athlete. As your coach, I create intelligent and effective programs that challenge you. As your teammate, I support you through your wins and losses and push you to reach your full potential. I'm here to show you that being an athlete is a state of mind; something that stays with you no matter how long it's been since you put on a jersey. Are you ready to reclaim your role as athlete?</h4>
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